Meet The Bunnies

Otter is three years old. She got her name because as a baby, she looked identical to an otter. She is an absolute girl boss; she’s sassy and such a diva! She has recently been bonded to Bambi and Bertie, her new friends after being a solo bunny for a while due to sadly losing our beloved Rufus and Bear who she was originally in a trio with. She always had the strongest bond with Rufus but equally loved to wind Bear up - the perfect sibling rivalry. Although her bond isn't as strong with Bambi and Bertie as it was with Rufus and Bear, she has definitely accepted them and is loving having company again. She takes in turns chilling with them both individually and occasionally chases Bambi to show that she's still the queen! She can be cheeky and chew things she knows she shouldn’t, but besides that, she’s a beautiful rabbit and loves her food, especially Darling Bun Shop treats and dandelion roots!
Bambi is four years old. We named her Bambi as she looks like a deer and often freezes like one when she hears a noise! We adopted her in March 2024 along with her companion Bertie, we wanted to ensure Otter had companionship after we lost Rufus and Bear. Bambi is a lovely natured Netherland dwarf with such an amazing personality. She loves her food and loves taking it in turns sitting with Bertie and Otter. As she's a rescue bunny she is slightly nervous which we are working on, she's not a massive fan of humans just yet, but we still love her!
Bertie is three years old, he will turn four in August. We rescued him in March 2024 with his companion Bambi and bonded him into a trio with our Otter. We believe him to be either an Angora or Lion Head breed, we can't be sure as he is a rescue rabbit however he has traits of both breeds! He's an absolute foodie as you can tell by the photo of him above, there's not many foods he will turn down. He's such a laid back bunny and allows you to groom him which is a miracle with him needing lots of regular brushes and trims! He loves taking turns giving cuddles and kisses to both Bambi and Otter which is lovely to see. He also accepts human cuddles too!
In Memory Of Our Beloved Rufus and Bear